We fly home to Australia from Los Angeles about once a year to see family. It is a loooooong and expensive flight. We can’t afford the flat-bed luxury of first or business class, but experience has taught us some valuable hacks for comfortable air travel. I'm sharing my top tips for traveling in style, no matter where you're seated.

- Map out your trip. Look at your itinerary. Really look. And not just at the departure and arrival times. Clock your layover if you have one, and scope out the airport terminal beforehand. Some credit cards (like a Platinum American Express) will give you automatic entry into a pretty good lounge. If you're not a lounge member, there are some first-rate restaurant kiosks in most major airport hubs. Take the opportunity to check one out. You may discover a new favourite!
- Request a special meal. Even if you're not a vegetarian, trying to keep Kosher, or are gluten intolerant, try requesting a special meal. They are almost always better than the usual fare. Nobody wants a $7 pulpy apple.
- Dress the Part. It is an unwritten but common practice of ticket agents to allot better seats to well-dressed (and well-mannered) passengers. You don’t have to wear a suit or heels, but leather shoes, an ironed shirt, and a tailored jacket will go a long way toward helping you snag that rare upgrade or aisle seat. You can always change into sweatpants once you’re onboard. Score!
- Go Early. I can’t stress this enough. If you are running late or even cutting it fine, you will likely be more stressed, and that can ruin your trip before it even starts. Allow yourself at least a 90-minute buffer arrival time before boarding to ensure a smooth and civilised departure.
- Pack your Manners (see above). Long layovers or delayed flights are now commonplace. These can be a plus if you have the right attitude. So, your flight was canceled out of Adelaide? This is your chance to check out the great museum there. Endless delays out of Melbourne? Why not indulge in a guilty pleasure like an airport massage and a trashy novel? Why not? Attitude (and good manners) are everything.
- Use the Apps! I once missed my flight (twice on the same day) because I didn’t bother to download the app to my phone. Gates can change, and if you’re not staring up at the departures board at all times, it’s easy to miss a gate change. Do yourself a favour and download the app, already.
My Packing List: This is the part that counts. A good set of luggage is a game-changer. Next year, I'm swapping out my trusty Rimowa for this chic, sustainable set! I like a rolling carry-on packed with everything I need for the flight (and an overnight stay, just in case).
1. Healthy, portable snacks (of course). Don’t take anything smelly (egg sandwich, I’m looking at you). But cheese and crackers, fresh fruit, and even cured meats can make an elegant, delicious snack that is far nicer than anything onboard. I also take an (empty) water bottle because I don’t like having to wait for the drinks trolly to roll past. Most airports have water filling stations near the bathrooms once you get past security.
2. Swab it. I use a cotton bud to line each nostril with Savlon before I board, and I have never gotten sick. It works!
3. Travel Safe Waterless Hand Wash. Waterless Hand Wash is a must-have for people on the go. Use it on everything from aeroplane tray tables to shopping carts, hotel remotes and restaurant menus.
4. 2 x good Tea Towels. I use one as a napkin across my lap to protect my clothes (I’m spilly) and the other to clean my seat (and everything else). I always regret it when I don’t bring at least one with me.

Let's be real. Air travel is not the charming experience it used to be. But with some forward planning, the right gear, and attitude, you can overcome the most tedious travel hiccups.
Bon Voyage, Baby!
xx, mlk