Poop Etiquette (yes, that’s a thing)

Poop Etiquette (yes, that’s a thing)

We will assume that if you're reading this, you have been potty-trained for a while now. But there is a vast difference between the mechanics of simply “going to the bathroom” and perfecting the art of Poop Etiquette (stay with us).

Shut The Door (and open a window): 

You'd be shocked by how many people feel comfortable sharing their most private moments. While you may be unburdened by a sense of bathroom bashfulness (aka etiquette), we might not be. Just shut the door and flick on the fan or open a window. You know why. 

A Courtesy Spritz: 

We know other products on the market are designed solely to mask bathroom odour. We say hiding the smell is only half the story. Killing the germs that cause the malodorous stench is a much better idea! A quick spritz down the loo and in the air will sort it out beautifully and keep your bathroom clean. If you are very civil-minded, spray and wipe the seat down for the next visitor. After all, it might just be you! 

Close The Lid: 

Did you know that flushing the toilet actively "aerosolizes" water droplets from the bowl all over the room (and quite possibly onto your toothbrush)? The lid is there for a reason. 

Do a Double Take: 

Things don't always go down the way we'd expected in life (and in the loo). So even if you live alone, ensuring you haven't left any overt evidence of your progress behind is a good idea. 

Ninja-Level Poop Etiquette: 

If you have left traces of your activity behind, here’s how to elegantly handle the situation: 

  • Above the Water: Turn the trigger on your bathroom cleaner from stun (spray) to kill (jet), then simply spray and wipe. Another flush is required. 
  • Below the Water: A few sheets of toilet paper strategically placed, then hit with the jet trigger, and then flushed will act as an underwater magic eraser. Clever boots.