Some Things Are Just Better Together

Some Things Are Just Better Together

We've all had one: That jumble of mismatched bottles under the kitchen sink.  Half-used supermarket cleaning products, old sponges and paper towels make "cleaning" seem like a heavy lift, not to mention an actual eyesore.  

When I started Murchison-Hume, it was with a single mission: To make cleaning products that are pretty to look at, smell amazing, and a pleasure to use.  

In 2008 we were living in a small-ish Sydney house with an even smaller galley kitchen and no storage space under the sink.  

So, I started decanting my products into amber glass apothecary bottles and kept them in a little wooden box on the counter. Everyone who walked in remarked on them, and I had so many requests from friends who wanted the same setup I eventually started to sell them at a friend's store.   

From then until now, our mission to lift cleaning products out of the mundane has remained unchanged. Our ingredients are 98% natural, and the fragrances are more like something you’d find in a sophisticated home store than a supermarket aisle. But the real point of Murchison-Hume is that we don’t look anything like traditional cleaning products. We purposely kept the bottles a unified amber colour with matching labels and lids so you can leave them out. That fact alone makes cleaning so much easier and nicer.  

Our products are designed to work together. To that end, we've created neat little bundles with significant savings to make them even more attractive.  

Clean is beautiful (or at least it can be). 


xx, mlk