This 30-Second Trick Can Prolong The Life of Your Delicates for Years

This 30-Second Trick Can Prolong The Life of Your Delicates for Years

A sustainable lifestyle doesn’t come overnight—nor is it something that has to be an all-or-nothing kind of commitment. In fact, a bunch of small changes can add up faster than you think. Forgoing plastic bags in favour of reusable totes, swapping out single-use bottles for a refillable water pitcher, and finding new uses for old items are all great starts.  

Even more, prolonging the life of your clothing is just another way to keep items out of landfills. One way to do that is with Echoview’s Mill Cotton Mesh Delicates Laundry Bag, an ultra-fine, mesh wash bag that keeps all of your favourite delicates from pilling or unravelling in the wash.  

Unlike most laundry bags that are made from poly-blended mesh, this one’s made from 100% sustainably farmed cotton to keep microfibers out of the wash cycle. Plus, it’s smartly designed with snaps instead of a potentially damaging zipper. 

Just throw your favourite delicate items, cashmere, knits, or synthetics into the bag and snap shut before washing. It also works wonders for anything with an elastic, like the loops of your face mask: They keep any straps from getting caught by a heavier garment, resulting in it stretching during the wash or dry cycle. 

What other changes are you making around the home this season? 


xx L