How To -
Nail Detox Kit

It’s the perfect routine for when you’re in between manis and pedis.

You know how when you walk into a nail salon, you get hit in the face with that sharp, chemical-y smell? This is the opposite of that. Our Nail Detox and Cuticle Oil won’t trim or paint your nails, but it will keep your nails in cuticles healthy. 

As the first all-natural, anti-fungal and restorative treatment for your nails and cuticles, we use essential oils to help brighten and even your nail plates, fight off infections, and keep the skin around your nails soft. It can even help get rid of any stinky foot odor. 

When you have naked nails, just roll the detox oil onto your nails twice a day. Follow up with the cuticle oil as needed. It’s the perfect routine for when you’re in between manis and pedis. And with regular use, your nails will look so great that you might not even go back.