How to Clean Your Electronic Devices

Think about how many times a day you touch your phone, and all of the places you put it down. Our digital devices, keyboards and remotes are things that we touch on the daily, but almost never think to clean. Well, think again.

These “High Touch” objects harbour the highest bacteria count in the house. Yes, even more than the toilet.
Time Needed: 10 minutes (at most)

What You'll Need

How to Do It:

  • Power down your keyboard
  • Spray the cloth (never spray devices directly)
  • Wipe clean with a lint-free cloth.

Devices You Should Clean:

  • Your Phone
  • Your iPad/Tablet
  • Game controllers
  • Your Keyboard+ Mouse + Screen
  • Remote controls
Clean your stuff! Make it a Friday afternoon ritual to clean your mouse, keyboard and all your devices before you head out for the weekend. That way, you’re (literally) starting with a clean slate on Monday.